Within the framework of his German Heisenberg-Grant and German Research Foundation Project (GZ Zw 164-7/1 to -9/1) at the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, FU Berlin, Cornel Zwierlein is currently convening a conference in cooperation with the Yale/Humboldt network with the title “The Power of the Dispersed. Early Modern Global Travelers beyond Integration.” It will take place online on December 18-19.
The conference will be concerned with pre-circulated papers preparing a Brill volume in the series “Intersections.” Early Modern Individual migrants and travelers often did not form part of classic “diaspora” situations or communities: they frequently never really settled, instead wandering, perhaps remaining abroad for some time in one place, then traveling further to another: we ask for the degrees and frameworks of agency they had or could gain, in European, Mediterranean and global contexts.
The conference will consist of four sections: Dispersed by faith, dispersing Religion; Dispersed in Commercial, Political and Diplomatic Networks; Dispersed in the Early Modern Web of Science; and Dispersed by War, Captivity. The program is as follows:
December 18
9.30 |
Dr Stefano Saracino (Univ. Jena / LMU München) The Album Amicorum of the Athonite Monk Theoklitos Polyeidis and the Agency of perambulating Greek Almscollectors in the Holy Roman Empire |
10.15 |
Dr Cesare Santus (FNRS, RSCS – Université catholique de Louvain) The great imposture. Eastern Christian rogues and counterfeiters in Rome, 17th-19th century |
11.00 |
Dr José-Luis Egío (MPIeRG Frankfurt/M / Akad. Wiss. Mainz) ‘Experience of the Land’ and Empowerment of Travelling Scholastics: The Emergence of Empirical Normative Authority in Early Modern Spanish America |
11.45 |
Dr Paula Manstetten (Univ. Bamberg / DFG Focus program): Self-Fashioning and the Agency of Arab Christians in Early Modern Europe: the Case of Salomon Negri and his Ego-Documents |
[break/lunch] |
13.30 |
Dr Simon Mills (Univ. of Newcastle): Johann Callenberg´s Orient |
14.15 [15.15 Sofia] |
Dr Iordan Avramov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia): Nomads in the early modern republic of letters: the evidence of the correspondence of the early Royal Society of London |
[break] |
15.15h [his time 9.15 AM Bogota or still in Spain] |
Prof. Adolfo Polo y la Borda (University de los Andes, Colombia): A Captive’s Threat: The Marquis of Varinas and His Elusive Freedom |
16.00 [in Spain] |
Prof. Ana Rodriguez-Rodriguez (Univ. of Iowa): Stories of Spanish Captivity in Istanbul: from Trauma to Empowerment |
16.45 / 8.45 AM US West Coast |
Prof. David Nelson (Californian Lutheran University): From Erstwhile Captive to Cultural Erudite: The Career of Korean-born Samurai, Wakita Kyūbei |
17.30 (Eur) / 9.30 AM US WestCoast |
Prof. Baki Tezcan (UC Davis): The Golden Gate of the Languages is Open, or is it not? Ali Ufki/Wojciech Bobowski and the limits of cosmopolitanism in the seventeenth century (and today) [announced] |
December 19
9.30 |
Dr David Do Paço (SciencesPo Paris) In the blind spot of the State: Muslims in the 18th-century trans-imperial Adriatic society |
10.30 |
Dr Edoardo Angione (Univ. Roma III): In Parte d’Infedeli: a Papal Informant in Istanbul (1607-1608) |
11.45 |
Dr Maria Tsampika Lampitsi (Univ. Cyprus): Religious feeling and the construction of a merchant’s identity in the Greek trade networks of the late eighteenth century |
[break] |
14.00 |
PD Dr. Cornel Zwierlein (FU Berlin, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Heisenberg Stelle): Dispersed Things. European Merchant Households in the Levant |
14.45 |
Dr Marloes Aydemir Cornelissen (Sabancı University, Istanbul): From Bern with love: The spy with a taste for the exquisite in early modern Istanbul” |
For more information and to attend, please contact cornel.zwierlein@fu-berlin.de.