Heisenberg-Projekt PD Dr. habil. Cornel Zwierlein, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, FU Berlin
Conference ´Sovereignty. Early Modern Territorial and Maritime Negotiations´
Organizers: PD Dr. habil. Cornel Zwierlein / Prof. Dr. Daniel Lee (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Place: FU Berlin, Altensteinstr. 2, 14195 Berlin, Raum K011 bzw. 104
Funding: DFG GZ Zw 164-9/1 and -7/1.
The conference will be held in a hybrid mode, many contributors are presenting live in the Altensteinstr., others will join remotely. Attendance and remote access from outside via webex is therefore possible and welcome during the whole conference. For getting all information and the webex link, please write to cornel.zwierlein@fu-berlin.de.
Guests who would like to attend in person are also welcome, but please send likewise an e-mail to cornel.zwierlein@fu-berlin.de for reasons of logistics (size of room etc.).
19 May 2022
9.00 |
Introduction |
9.30 |
Dr. Fabrice Micallef (Nantes/Inst. Univ. de France) Sovereignty and the protection of the duke of Anjou over Cambrai (1579-1584) |
10.15 |
Prof. Dr. Silvio de Franceschi (EPHE Paris) Venice, the Interdict, Sarpi and Sovereignty |
break |
11.30 |
Prof. Dr. Robert von Friedeburg (Bishop Grosseteste University): ´Patria´ and ´Fatherland´ in 17th century French-German Comparison: Imperium / Landesherrschaft of German Princes and their ways to sovereignty |
Lunch |
14.00 |
Prof. Dr. Michael J. Breen (Reed College) “ ‘Le prince doit avoir une autorité souveraine sur les mariages’: Annulments, Sovereignty, and the State in Early Modern France” |
14.45 |
Prof. Dr. Philippe Denis (Univ. of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa): Richer, Bodin and Sovereignty |
break |
16:00 |
Prof. Dr. David Dyzenhaus (Univ. of Toronto): Hobbes and the Healthy Sovereign |
16.45 |
Prof. Dr. Kenneth Pennington (Univ. of Washington): Sovereignty and Property Rights |
break |
18.00 |
Joshua Freed, cand. phil. (Univ. of California, Berkeley): Giulio Pace and Sovereignty |
20 May 2022
9.00 |
Prof. Dr. Andrew Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary Univ. of London): Company state(s) and Sovereignty |
9.45 |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Nicholas Abbott (Old Dominion University): A rule of confiscation for India?: Property, ‘escheat’, and the performance of sovereignty in late-Mughal South Asia, c. 1650–1850 |
break |
11.00 |
Prof. Dr. Mark Ravina (Univ. of Texas, Austin) The King of Ryukyu and the Grand Rabbi of Smyrna: Stratified Sovereignties and the Missionary Gaze |
11.45 |
PD Dr. habil. Cornel Zwierlein (FU Berlin): Sovereignty and Untranslatability. European International Law, France, the Ottoman Empire and the Barbary States 1720-1740 |
Lunch |
14.30 |
Dr. Tiraana Bains (Dartmouth College): Reconceptualizing Sovereignty across the Mughal and British Empires, 1750-1800 |
break |
16.00 |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Lee (Univ. of California, Berkeley) Officia humanitatis and Sovereignty from Bodin to Pufendorf |
Final discussion |